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Monthly Focus


The goal of this month is to get you thinking about how being kind and teaching kindness can bring more happiness to everyone involved.  The activities this month are designed to inspire you to be kind to yourself and to make kindness part of your classroom and school identity. In a world in which you can be anything, be kind!


(These activities can be done individually, as a staff/group of educators or with your students. )

When building more kindness into your life, do not forget yourself. Self-Compassion and Self-Kindness are important elements to being happy. Be that supportive, caring and encouraging friend to that you are to others to yourself. You are worthy and deserving of it.   


Kindness as a School Culture

Kindness is not just something we need to infuse more of into our lives, but it is something that we should infuse into your teaching and school culture. By making kindness part of your school's identity, you are helping both students and staff find a more happiness coming to school each day!

As you build your school's kindness momentum let it spill out into the community. Everyone benefits when you invest time spreading kindness to others in need. Not only is it a great way to teach students valuable life lessons, but also can bring a staff together to make a difference!

Kindness in the Community

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